Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Martha Merrell's Bookstore - Talk & Reading

Tonight was my second book signing and presentation at Martha Merrell's Bookstore in Waukesha, Wisconsin. It was a great turnout and the audience was very kind and supportive. There were many people who either had bipolar disorder or had someone close to them who has bipolar disorder. I appreciated the insightful questions and it was really nice talking to each and every one of you who purchased a book and waited to have it signed. I love hearing your stories and I appreciated your patience in line as well. I love to share my story and I am very grateful for all the nice compliments. I look forward to the next speaking engagement and Martha Merrell's said they would be happy to have me back again in the future. Norm and Eve Bruce were wonderful hosts.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

News And Updates

Polarity Media Productions will begin posting news and updates for production of the film Silent Lucidity, speaking engagements/appearances of Matthew Nichols, and related project information. Please be sure to check back for the latest information.