Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Right Track?

The first thing I think about is that I can't believe I waited almost 5-months to the day since my last blog.  Writing (and acting) are my passion and I think it just comes down to making time to do it.  We take time to shower, brush our teeth, use the bathroom, etc. - everyday, so why not make more time for the things we are passionate about and love doing.

So, 'The Right Track?'.  I thought about titling this one, 'Chasing Rainbows', but in reality, we see them, but are never able to get to them or find the beginning or end to them.  Leprechauns maybe, but not us.  I equate that to my goals and aspirations to make a professional career of writing and acting.  I felt that 'The Right Track?' was a better title, because I could at least tangibly know that I was on 'a' track, and could still be moving in a positive direction.  Again, equating that to the pursuit of writing and acting on a professional level - wherever that is going to take me.

I think the common misconception most people have is that someone aspiring to make it in film is going to pack their bags and head to one place, Hollywood or L.A.  I know, I know.  That's two places, but same idea.  Not here to split hairs.  I have come to learn that the film industry is growing wings and finding successes in places far, far from the hustle and bustle of L.A.  Places like Atlanta, Georgia, Austin, Texas, New Orleans, Louisiana, and many others that are 'not' L.A.  Many still believe that L.A. is the best place to get connected and houses many of the biggest names and production companies.  I would hazard a guess that it is still most likely true.

The whole point I am trying to make here is that I am trying to find the track that is going to get me to  'the best' places to be.  Not one, but many.  I always tell friends and family that I started as a 'Z-List' actor and am working my way up to an 'A-List' actor.  I know the odds, I know the struggles, the long roads, the uncertainty, the intangibles, the disappointments, the rejection and the stories of the few who ever do make it...but I'm learning more and more everyday to numb myself to that.

All the people who 'are' there now, and who 'did' make it, were once in the very shoes I am standing in right now.  Flashing behind my blog are over 300 posters as I like to call them (screen savers), that rotate on my computer - telling of inspiration, hope, never giving up on your dreams, and believing that anything is possible.  I believe and I always have.  One of my greatest inspirations or examples I look to, is that of Morgan Freeman.  The guy I used to watch spell words on the Electric Company when I was a little kid.  We all know what a prominent and talented actor he is, having countless acting roles to his career.  But the inspiration for me comes in the fact that Morgan Freeman's career (according to Freeman himself), really began with his breakthrough role in the 1987 film entitled 'Street Smart', where he played the role of a character named Fast Black.  That would make Freeman 50 years old at the time.  50 years old!  Therein lies the inspiration.

At age 46, almost 47, I truly believe that there is the hope for a career in this industry.'s a matter of (who) I believe I can be, (what) it is going to take to get there, (when) the time is right to get on the 'right' track, (where) it will begin and take me, (why) I want to be there - which I will explain, and (how) I am going to go about making it a reality.

I had a fellow acting friend ask me yesterday, to send him my 'mission statement' for being an actor/writer.  Honestly, I didn't have one.  It is all in my head - the goals, the ambitions, the plan, but I never wrote them down.  So I sat and took a good chuck of time to really think about it and put it into words so that it made sense and was tangible.  And I know we would all love to make it about wealth and fame, but I truly realized it was so much more than that.

Here what I crafted and honestly believe is the 'track' I am looking for.

Matthew Nichols' Mission Statement for Acting/Writing

My mission is to create a world of writing, acting and living that will inspire, encourage and be a positive influence on the lives of countless others.  I will create a world of stories that entertain, evoke deep, heartfelt emotions, and one that helps others to get lost and captivated in moments of time through unique, fictional realities.  I will become characters that audiences will truly believe are relatable and true to life, characters that inspire, encourage and give hope, characters that bring a genuine reality and depth to a story, its message and what its writer or writers want the audience to take away, and a characters which make audiences feel an endless variety of real, human emotions.  I will live; a personal life that focuses first on God, family and friendship, a professional life that focuses on the encouragement, support and help for fellow actors and writers, and a public life that focuses on the support, encouragement, inspiration and appreciation of fans and audiences everywhere.  My success will not be based upon financial gain, but on the countless lives I have influenced, changed for better, encouraged, and gave hope and faith to.

The right track?  I certainly want to believe so.

Until next time...