Monday, August 28, 2006

NAMI - of Greater Milwaukee Presentation

Okay...procrastination can be a horrible thing, so guilty as charged. I wanted to go back a few weeks and talk briefly about a shared-presentation I did with an incredible woman named Diane Lotter on July 31, 2006. Diane is an incredible woman in her early fifties who wrote a beautiful book on her life with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. We spoke at a meeting for NAMI - of Greater Milwaukee and I was in awe of Diane's story. Very soft spoken and humble, she shared the brief history of her life with the two disorders, how she battled and beat alcoholism, and is today a successful mother and grandmother. It continues to amaze me, the incredible life changing stories that are out there of people who have made it through incredible odds. They are not famous athletes, famous actors or actresses, but everyday people like you and I - that are seen driving, in the grocery store, or walking down the street. Share your story. Let others know what your struggles are and were and how you overcame them. You never know when or whom your story will positively affect, and the impact it can have on someone else's life. I was so grateful and excited to have been able to get to know Diane and hear another incredible story of someone's survival and perserverance. If you would like to order Diane's book, "The Why of Me", please contact her at, or send $19.95 to 840 Weinert Rd. #318 West Bend, WI 53095 (she said she'll pay the postage).

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