Saturday, August 11, 2012

Feature Film - Bipolar the Movie - Updates

Progress continues in pursuit of the independent, feature film - Bipolar.  The screenplay was revised for a director's viewing, and sent on to be reviewed by potential producers of the project.  

Attempts to receive financing from the drug companies remains unlikely, but we remain optimistic that some support is possible.  Initial contacts were made with NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) to receive their support and endorsement.  That is pending and will be for some time, until more concrete contact is made on state and national levels.  

The overall goal is to get national exposure, hopefully worldwide, and to follow up screenings with a public speaking tour.  Overall we hope to portray a positive story that will encourage and inspire others, helping to eliminate the stigma and discrimination surrounding mental illness.  

Over fifty-seven million Americans, approximately one-fourth of the country, live with a diagnosable mental illness in any given year.  So imagine the impact a positive film about bipolar disorder could have on millions of people around the country and possibly the world. 

Stay tuned for more...

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